
Mel Scripts and Rig Models

A MEL script is available for customers of Camera Control Inc to facilitate import and export of data to and from Maya(tm). The MEL script has been developed over several years and is fully featured. The script is easy to use and converts between Maya camera move data and Flair standard data files for easy import and export. The Script is supported by the writer of Flair software/CCI Lead Operator Simon Wakley and so full technical support is right at hand. It has an interface similar to the existing Flair Import/Export interface and will import and export Single node Camera, as well as the standard 2 node Flair Camera (Camera and Target) as well as the advanced Maya 3 Node camera (Camera, Target & Up) which greatly facilitates moves that go over the top of objects and also any world space rotations that affect the horizon. - No other Motion Control rig or interface supports these advanced features (Used on Aviator movie and NetZero commercials).

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Our range of operations covers the whole of North America and we frequently travel to countries in South America.